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Before reaching the Majors as the No. 1 Draft pick, Dansby Swanson starred in a commercial

(Clair, Michael)

At this point, we simply have to assume that Dansby Swanson is good at absolutely everything. Ski-jumping? Probably. Party surfing? Not a thing, but if it was he'd probably be the best. Why? 
Because not only was Swanson the first overall pick in the 2015 Draft, and is already a Major Leaguer with a .300 average and two home runs to his name, but he was a successful child actor, too. 
That's right: When Swanson was simply an amateur player with a great name, he also starred in a commercial for the 2004 Aflac All-American High School Classic.

Just cue up the vid to the 2:15 mark to check it out. And if you want to get really depressed, Swanson was nowhere near high school age in 2004. He was 10 years old. 
(h/t @Braves)  
