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Mookie Betts and Justin Verlander were awestruck by Tony Kemp's incredible leaping catch in Game 3

Astros outfielder/second baseman Tony Kemp stands at 5-foot-6 -- the same listed height as Jose Altuve -- but just like his teammate, Kemp stands tall when the moment strikes. 
That moment came in the third inning of Tuesday's ALCS Game 3 at Minute Maid Park. With two on and two out, Boston's Steve Pearce lofted a fly ball toward the Crawford Boxes in left field. Breaths were held as Kemp raced back and leapt up into the air, extending every inch of his frame and coming down with the ball. It was a great, run-saving catch that was confirmed after a replay review.
From their respective dugouts, both Mookie Betts and Justin Verlander were impressed with Kemp's effort, with Betts saying what looks like, "No way he caught this ... " and Verlander opting for a more stunned-silent look:

They're not exchanging shocked faces at each other, but they basically are anyway. We all made the same face watching that play from Kemp. 
