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Adrian Beltre struck out on a dropped third strike, then he putted the ball away from the catcher

Throughout this season, Adrián Beltré has graced us with highlight after highlight after ... highlight? At this point, he's more than just a really good baseball player, he's also one of the hardest working stand-up comedians there is -- touring cities around the country for six months straight. 
During the Brewers' 8-3 win over the Rangers on Monday, he was at it again with some brand new material. After striking out on a dropped third strike against Matt Garza in the fifth inning, it was time for some mini-golf:

Although a clever tactic to try to keep the catcher from getting the ball, it's illegal and Beltre was called out. Still, that doesn't mean you can't keep this GIF open on your desktop until the end of times.
