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On this day in 1976, the White Sox made an incredibly bold fashion decision

August 8, 1976, was the day everything the world thought it knew about baseball pants was shattered, when the Chicago White Sox took the field in the first game of a doubleheader wearing Bermuda shorts. Whispers, rumors and a preseason unveiling suggested the shorts' existence, but it wasn't until the season's fifth month that Chisox owner, master promoter and Hall of Famer Bill Veeck introduced the shocking sartorial choice.

The shorts ensemble, which also included actual white socks, unlike almost every other White Sox outfit since the '40s, were worn twice thereafter: on August 21 and 22 of the same year. Player complaints about slides resulting in scraped legs, a generally less-than-positive reception overall and the novelty quickly wearing off led to the shorts never again appearing on the field--but achieving immortality in the annals of unusual uniforms.

The Chisox have worn a number of retro uniforms in recent years; would you like to see Veeck's shorts experiment brought back for a throwback game?

-- Dan Wohl



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