Nolan Arenado literally launches himself into the stands for all-time great catch
Arenado launches himself into the stands for catch
Nolan Arenado is a very fine fielder. Coming off two consecutive Gold Glove Awards, he doesn't need to prove to people that he knows how to field baseballs.
And yet, with the Rockies leading the Giants, 3-0, in the 8th inning on Tuesday night, Arenado showed no regard for his well-being when he launched himself into the tarp and stands to catch this ball:
Just look at that. That's what a crash test dummy looks like:
Or one of those Jibba Jabber toys from the '90s:
Instead, this was a third baseman, ostensibly made of flesh and blood (although, now I'm not so sure ...) flinging himself into the barrier.
Maybe it's time we start calling him Nolan Air-Tornado.
Or, Nolan "You" Are Not-Going-To-Get-a-Hit-O.
Or, No Land Are ... man, nicknames are really difficult to come up with.
Here, relax that brain and let's just look on in wonder:
Of course, this play probably reminds you of one other famous one:
No, not that one. Naturally, I'm talking about Derek Jeter going for a quick flight into the Yankee Stadium seats. Not a bad homage, Mr. Air-Tornado.