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LLWS champions Maine-Endwell made it to the title game thanks to Drake and his #DrakePuns

After a tense 4-2 win over the team from Goodlettsville, Tenn., in the U.S. title game, the Endwell, N.Y., Little Leaguers moved on to Sunday's 2016 Little League World Series championship game. They even had the phone call from the president to prove it:

A lot of things got them there: Starter Michael Mancini striking out 11 and allowing just one hit over 4 2/3 innings. Clutch hits from Jake Hopko and Billy Dundon to spark a four-run fourth that gave New York the lead for good. But the game was decided long before the first pitch -- when Endwell received an endorsement from Drake and his shameless wordplay:

Hey, it did end pretty well. Drake's magic must've carried into the championship, too, because Maine-Endwell won the whole shebang, topping South Korea, 2-1. And when you're world champions, the famous fans start coming out of the woodwork:
