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'Lo Viste' making waves at Marlins camp

The Miami Marlins have adopted their own version of "The Claw" and "The Antlers."

The craze started in Texas with the Rangers during their run to the World Series in 2010. Players signal back to the dugout after a big hit or defensive play as if to give a long-distance high five. The antlers, on the other hand, symbolize a player using speed to make a play.

"Lo viste," Spanish for "See That," has caught on with Emilio Bonafacio, Jose Reyes, Omar Infante and new skipper Ozzie Guillen among others. The players put two fingers up to their eye in a sideways "V" shape. "Lo viste" is making its way around the camp and Bonafacio even ordered orange tee-shirts with the action portrayed on the front and the saying, "Lo viste" on the back. Word on the street is that he also has an order in for black shirts for the whole team.