10 signs that you're an MLB player still playing in the postseason
10 sure signs you're still playing in the postseason
If you're a professional baseball player who is currently active on a postseason roster, then you'll totally get this.
And if you're not sure if you're a professional baseball player who is currently active on a postseason roster, then this handy checklist should help you figure it out…
1. It's the middle of October and yet you still have more baseball games to play.
2. Your manager just called and asked why you weren't at the field yet.
3. Your dirty laundry is soaked in champagne.
4. You called your general manager to discuss a contract extension and he was like, "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING BASEBALL RIGHT NOW?!"
5. Friends from high school keep sending you text messages saying, "THERE IS ONLY ONE OCTOBER!"
6. All of your teammates are too busy for a round of golf or quiet day of playing video games.
7. Every game this week is 10 times more intense than any game from the summer.
8. You're currently on a baseball field in front of 40,000 screaming, dancing fans with a bunch of other people who are also paid to play baseball.
9. For some reason, Joe Buck won't stop following you around.
10. You're wearing a baseball uniform right now, at this very moment, while sitting in a baseball dugout and people are saying, "Dude, why aren't you on the mound pitching right now?"