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Photo of the Day: Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld couldn't believe Yoenis Cespedes' dinger

Photo: Rock and Seinfeld can't believe Cespedes homer

During the Mets' offensive romp in Game 3 of the NLDS on Monday night, slugger and parakeet whisperer Yoenis Cespedes hit a home run that, according to our calculations, may actually have entered into orbit:

Cespedes HR

Citi Field erupted. Baseballs everywhere wept for their fallen brethren. Providing perspective on this momentous event, Mets superfans Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld expressed the sentiments of an awe-struck nation:

And, given that they're already sandwich buddies, Cespedes let Seinfeld know he appreciated the support: 

The Cespedes Festivus has apparently come to October. 

Read More: New York MetsYoenis Cespedes