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A's security guard disappointed to learn that beach ball isn't filled with candy

A's security guard disappointed with beach ball

The beach ball at a baseball game is traditionally a Southern California institution; some of the loudest booing I've ever heard at Dodger Stadium was for fans who accidentally knocked the dollar store ball to a lower deck.  

So when the A's returned from their trip to Anaheim, it was only natural that a beach ball came along for the trip. But when that ball landed on the field at Coliseum, the security guard who picked it up was in for a surprise.

For inside it was ... nothing.

Beach ball

Perhaps he thought that the ball would be filled with candy like it was a piñata. Or that there would be a small toy like it was a cereal box. Maybe he even thought he had stumbled upon a National Treasure-type adventure and inside the beach ball would be a copy of the Declaration of Independence with a treasure map on the back. 

At the very least, he pulled off a very convincing Shooter McGavin impression: 

Read More: Oakland Athletics