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18 of the best and weirdest pictures from Photo Day

poses for a portrait during the Boston Red Sox photo day on February 19, 2017 at JetBlue Park in Ft. Myers, Florida. (Elsa)

Just like in grade school, when you had to slick your hair and put on the scratchiest sweater you could find, baseball players get their own date with the photographer. Though the players probably won't order any wallet-sized prints for Grandma, they are still trying to look their best. Sometimes, the photographer captures something even better. 
Here are 18 of the greatest Photo Day pictures from 2017:
What is Brandon Moss looking at?

Spiders, that's what. Hundreds of terrifying spiders.

The photographer's instruction to Jackie Bradley Jr.: Think of the end of "Old Yeller." 

Chris Hoo is not just a player that will let you make Abbott and Costello references. He's also king of the dimples: 

Jacob Faria was not a fan of that punchline: 

Warning: Giancarlo Stanton gives the camera eyes that might be considered too sultry for some: 

For those about to rock, Jack Murphy salutes you.

Dana Eveland's photo was actually his headshot from his audition for "Hell or High Water."

"Oh my god," Brandon Finnegan thought, quickly darting his eyes around the stadium before staring back into his glove. "Is the ball talking to me?" 

"What do you call these things? Hands, you say? Huh. And you can use them to hold things? Never heard of that before," Reds manager Bryan Price said. 

Edwin Encarnacion knows that feeling when you forget how to smile:

Kevin Quackenbush gave us modern America's bearded version of "The Thinker."

It's also perfect for meme-ing. 

Eric Fryer is definitely not building a space laser to finally do away with that pesky Superman: 

You only wish you could feel joy the way Kenta Maeda, the Dodgers' prank king, feels joy.

Kyle Hendricks stars in my favorite Ernest movie: Ernest Gets Trapped in the Matrix.

Are Jared Miller's eyebrows mustaches? Or are his mustaches eyebrows? 

And if we reverse them: 

Lewis Brinson knows what happens when juggling ... goes wrong:

Seth Maness is on the comeback trail thanks to a new type of surgery to repair elbow damage. He's also got a great new idea for headwear:

And to wrap it all up, one photo with no joke here: Eric Thames just looks awesome.
