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Get romantic with 10 photos of players kissing their baseball equipment

There are few bonds in this world stronger than the one between a player and his baseball equipment. Sure, there's the love between spouses and significant others, parents and children and police officers and their partners, but they all pale in comparison between a man and his baseball gear -- after all, a person can't hit a home run without a bat.
This Valentine's Day, we wanted to honor that love. Here are 10 pictures of players showing their affection -- though we're forced to infer what feelings the players are imparting. 
"I know that I have won awards for my work with my glove, but know, dear bat, know in your knotted heart, that it is you I love." - Kevin Kiermaier  

"The moon and stars are well within reach with you by my side. And the heavens shall tremble as we assault them with battered baseballs." - Bryce Harper

"Smell baseball"? No, kiss baseball." - Ervin Santana

"Yes, though I must carve through other lumber when on the mound, it is you, and the six home runs that you've given me, that I truly cherish." - Zack Greinke

"Thank you, golden arm that was gifted to me by the ancient gods. And know that it is the truest of love, the deepest of emotion, that I have for thee." - Felix Hernandez

"You have stood by me for 21 long years. Most marriages don't even last that long. Goodbye, home of my heart and where I lashed all those line drives." - George Brett

"Our bond is stronger than my biceps. Our love is deeper than my homers." - Ryan Howard

Whistles "Earth Angel" - Melvin Upton

"To my legs, which are somehow even faster than my heart, Happy Valentine's Day." - Rickey Henderson

(Of course, you'd kiss your legs if they were responsible for getting you this:)

Okay, this is just obscene:
