2020 Group/Suite Ticket Refund Request
Please note that this request form is for Group Ticket purchases only.
To request a refund back for 2020 Impacted Brewers Home Games purchased directly through the Milwaukee Brewers Group Sales Office, please provide the following information. Please fill out the form completely. Requests not filled out completely will cause delay in receiving your refund.
Refund value includes game tickets, parking passes, food/beverage and any tailgate space. Refunds can ONLY be returned to the original ticket purchaser. If you were forwarded a game ticket and/or parking pass, you are not eligible to receive a credit or refund.
Complimentary Tickets, including promotional Ticket Vouchers, SPONSOR or GUEST tickets are not eligible for credits or refunds.
StubHub/Secondary Market Ticket Purchases: For tickets purchased via StubHub or another reseller, please refer to the help section of the site from which you purchased your tickets for details. The Brewers are not responsible for and will not provide any credits or exchanges of any ticket purchased via StubHub or any other secondary market reseller. Any questions regarding tickets purchased via StubHub should be directed to the Stubhub Help Center.