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Secure Your Spot

Get priority access to purchase tickets at the A’s new ballpark in Las Vegas for just $19.01

By joining our priority interest list, you’ll not only receive priority access to purchase tickets when they go on sale but also support the A’s commitment to investing in youth baseball and softball initiatives throughout Southern Nevada.

Secure Your Spot

Get priority access to purchase tickets at the A’s new ballpark in Las Vegas for just $19.01

By joining our priority interest list, you’ll not only receive priority access to purchase tickets when they go on sale but also support the A’s commitment to investing in youth baseball and softball initiatives throughout Southern Nevada.

Ballpark Experience

Located in the heart of
the Las Vegas Strip
Outdoor feel with climate-controlled interior
Outfield Cable Net Glass
Wall providing iconic
views of the Strip
Capacity of 33,000
Closest seats to home
plate and smallest foul
territory of any MLB
Spaces focused on
the family. Experience +
Affordability, including
a Kids Zone
80% of seats between
the foul poles
Multiple suite and
club seat experiences
One of a kind premium
group seating options
Year round events

30 Unique Seating Experiences: From seats for high rollers, to the baseball purist and families looking for entertainment value.

Athletics Stadium
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