New York Yankees, New York City Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter and the Stonewall Inn announce third annual Yankees-Stonewall scholarships

The New York Yankees, New York City Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter and The Stonewall Inn today announced that applications are open for 2021 Yankees-Stonewall Scholarships. Now in its third year, these $10,000 college scholarships celebrate the achievements of New York City public school graduating seniors who have demonstrated strong academic achievement and impactful support of the LGBTQ community. All New York City public school seniors are eligible to apply at Applications will close on April 30, and one student from each borough will be selected.

“We could not be more proud as we continue our support of the Yankees-Stonewall Scholarship, which empowers the next generation of LGBTQ leaders to reach their educational goals and achieve their dreams for the future,” said Yankees Senior Vice President and General Manager Brian Cashman. “This initiative is also symbolic of our deep respect and gratitude for those who have devoted their lives to promoting and establishing equality for the LGBTQ community, which has had such a profound and meaningful legacy — especially in New York City. The Yankees unequivocally support and celebrate those who advocate for a more inclusive and tolerant world, and we can’t wait to see what our scholars will accomplish.”

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to work with my close friends at the New York Yankees in continuing the legacy of the Stonewall Inn and supporting our incredible LGBTQ seniors,” said Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter. “This year has been unique and challenging in so many ways - I encourage our seniors to apply for this opportunity, share it with your classmates, and prepare to celebrate your graduation and all that life has in store for you. And, as always, let’s go Yankees!”

"We are thrilled to continue to partner with the Yankees to provide much needed funds for education to the future leaders of the LGBTQ community. Now more than ever we need to assure that LGBTQ students have the resources and access they need to succeed," said Stacy Lentz, CEO of The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative and Co-owner of The Stonewall Inn.

"The Yankees-Stonewall Scholarship honors our LGBTQ past by ensuring the activists of tomorrow will have a bright future." added Kurt Kelly, Owner of The Stonewall Inn."

“Thank you so much for the Yankees-Stonewall Scholarship for giving me the opportunity to pursue my academic goals. I've loved being able to take classes without the added worries of paying for my tuition and books,” said the 2020 Yankees-Stonewall recipient from Brooklyn who wishes to remain anonymous. “I am genuinely having fun learning and making new friends. Thank you so much for seeing something special in me and allowing me to feel comfortable coming to you all as my true self."

The Yankees-Stonewall Scholars initiative was created in September 2018 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn uprising and celebrate the achievements of New York City public school students. In June 2020, five students were each awarded $10,000 college scholarships. The winners were: Lauren Hidalgo (She/Her) from Queens, Tee Bernard (He/They) from the Bronx, Cole Neufeld (They) from Manhattan, and two anonymous winners from Brooklyn and Staten Island.

The New York City Department of Education, in partnership with the Yankees and The Stonewall Inn, will review all applications and select the five recipients to be announced in Spring 2021.

LGBTQ students were uniquely impacted by the loss of the safe space provided by their schools and the social isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing this, the Department of Education remained committed to providing LGBTQ students with ongoing resources, support, activities, and events to make this difficult time more manageable. GSA clubs continue to thrive, teachers are attending trainings related to supporting LGBTQ students, and youth facing organizations continue to find innovative ways to interact with and bring together youth during this pandemic.

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