Statement regarding proposed Mets' sale

Major League Baseball announced today that the owners of the Major League Clubs have approved the new ownership group of the New York Mets led by incoming control person Steve Cohen. The vote was conducted during a conference call of all Major League Clubs. The approval is contingent upon the closing of the sale transaction with the current owners of the Mets, which is expected within the next 10 days.

Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. said: “I extend my best wishes to Fred Wilpon, Saul Katz and Jeff Wilpon and thank them for their longstanding efforts for the Mets. In particular, we appreciate Fred’s decades of service to league committees and the governance of the game.

“On behalf of Major League Baseball, I congratulate Mr. Cohen on receiving approval from the Major League Clubs. Steve will bring his lifelong passion for the Mets to the stewardship of his hometown team, and he will be joined by highly respected baseball leadership as well. I believe that Steve will work hard to deliver a team in which Mets fans can take pride.”

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