‘Field of Dreams’ Movie Night at GABP – Sept. 13

Fans are invited to a free showing of the iconic baseball movie Field of Dreams on Friday, Sept. 13 at 8 p.m. at Great American Ball Park, thanks to Cincinnati Bell.

Enjoy this classic on its 30th anniversary while watching on the videoboards from the ballpark seats.

Fans should enter Great American Ball Park via the main gates on Crosley Terrace. Concessions will be available before and during the movie.

Cincinnati Bell Movie Night – Field of Dreams

Standard ballpark entry and inspection procedures apply. For full details, visit www.reds.com/GuestGuide.

About Field of Dreams:

Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella (played by Kevin Costner) hears a voice in his cornfield tell him, “If you build it, he will come.” He interprets this message as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. When the voices continue, Ray seeks out a reclusive author to help him understand the meaning of the messages and the purpose for his field.

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