In My Words: Abreu reflects on cycle, Irma

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I truly believe we have to be thankful every day for being alive, for every opportunity that is offered to us and for each lesson and life experience.
Two weeks ago, during one of the most stressful moments of my life, I accomplished something that I had never done in my professional career and something that, honestly, I never thought I could accomplish -- hit for the cycle.
:: Chicago White Sox: In My Words ::
On Saturday, Sept. 9, Hurricane Irma was passing through my native country of Cuba, and my hometown, Mal Tiempo, where my son, Dariel Eduardo, and my grandmother, along with other members of my family, still live. That night, I couldn't sleep. I woke up at 3 a.m. and started watching the news.
I was concerned about my family's safety after seeing all the damage Hurricane Irma left on its way through the Caribbean Islands. Honestly, I want to express my sincere solidarity and support to all the people who lost their houses and their personal belongings due to the fury of Hurricane Irma. Thank God, my family didn´t suffer any damage.
But that wasn't the end. Even though Hurricane Irma was already out of Cuba, it was going straight toward my pregnant wife, my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother-in-law, my aunt and my goddaughter in Miami.
I was worried because there wasn't anything I could do to protect them from the hurricane. However, during those extremely stressful circumstances, I relied on my mental focus and my duty to the White Sox. That focus allowed me to become just the sixth player in the history of this franchise to hit for the cycle.
It was a very special accomplishment in my career for three reasons. First, the difficulty of hitting for the cycle. Second, being able to do it despite all the adversity my family was facing. And third, I could do it with this great organization that gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of playing in the Major Leagues and having success. This organization has always supported me.
I know many fans have asked if I truly was looking for a triple in my last at-bat of that game. I won't lie, everybody in the dugout was telling me to go for it. Even Avisaíl García told me to hit the ball to the gap to have the opportunity for the triple. I simply tried to hit the ball hard, make good contact, and it just happened. The ball went to the gap just like Avi said.

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 When I was running around the bases and I passed second base, my legs were tired. But I had to keep going. Like I've always said, I'm a warrior, and I would crawl to third base, if necessary. Thankfully, it wasn't necessary to crawl, because I had enough stamina to reach third.
The celebration in the dugout, both after the inning and in the clubhouse after the game, was special. Celebrating that moment with my teammates was unique. Our motivation and energy level, especially in these last few weeks of the season, have been through the roof thanks to all of these young and talented players that we have right now.
The atmosphere we have is very meaningful to me as one of the veteran players on this team. The guys on this team have been giving me more motivation and desire. I come to the ballpark every day trying to guide them and teach them what they have to do to accomplish their goals and become successful players. I know they will be successful.
I'm very grateful for this team, and I can say I've been blessed to play with this great organization. Especially now when owner Jerry Reinsdorf, executive vice president Kenny Williams and general manager Rick Hahn are thinking about the future and have decided to fill our team with young talent. Our future looks bright, and I would like to be a part of it.
I'm willing to do all the things that are required to help this team win championships. I know one of those requirements is to help all the young prospects develop and take advantage of their talent. I'm happy to have this opportunity right now, because it is something that I like to do. I have even more pride seeing two of my countrymen, Yoán Moncada and Luis Robert, among the group of top prospects who will make our future shine.
I have a duty and responsibility to give the best of myself every day, on and off the field, to this organization. The Chicago White Sox are a great organization and one I never want to leave.

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I would like to recognize the support of our fans throughout this season, because I know it hasn't been an easy one for them. We have been trying, but we have not won as many games as they deserve. We have been giving our best effort day in and day out, but things just haven't gone our way. Remember, we are on the right track on this path that will allow us to be competitive, to fight and win a lot of championships with God's blessing.
From my perspective, particularly, I want to thank the fans for the energy they bring every game. They enhance my motivation. For the rest of the season, my focus is going to be on doing my best to help the Chicago White Sox win. That is what is the most important. We are White Sox first.

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