Tweet fantasy baseball questions to guru

You've prepared all winter for this day. Draft Day, the most important several-hour span for your upcoming fantasy season.
Sure, you've read through's Fantasy Player Preview. You've followed's Twitter handle, @Fantasy411, for years. But you still need that edge over your competition. What do you do?
Ask the expert. The answer is that easy.
Today at 3 p.m. ET, you can do just that, as's Fred Zinkie will be discussing all things fantasy baseball during a live Twitter chat at @Fantasy411.
Send your questions to @Fantasy411 now and use the hashtag #Fantasy411.
There's no one better to ask than Zinkie, who's won multiple expert leagues within the fantasy world.
It's tough to win a championship in one of the industry's two premier fantasy leagues: Tout Wars and the League of Alternate Baseball Reality (often referred to as LABR). Zinke has done so -- four times in total. And in 2013, he became the first fantasy guru to get a Yoo-Hoo shower in both leagues during the same season. He's also the reigning Tout Wars champ.
This space is not about Zinkie, though. You've read his work for a while, so you know the drill. What we really want is for you to gain fantasy bragging rights in 2016.
So if you want tips from someone who's been there and won that, log on to Twitter and send your questions to @Fantasy411.
Doing so could lead you to fantasy glory.