Oct. 8 John Farrell pregame interview

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THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions, please.

Q. What's the mood of this team now in a do-or-die situation for the Sox?
JOHN FARRELL: Just the vibe in the clubhouse is as it's been. It's a close-knit group, there's constant conversation that goes on. I think what we have experienced in these first two games, we're well aware of that. We have got to go out and execute more consistently right out of the chute. But as far as the overall approach, our guys are looking forward to getting on the field here today at home in front of our crowd and looking forward to taking on the challenges at hand. We know it's a steep one, but we're ready to go for it.

Q. Is there any concern at all with Dustin with the weather like it is today?
JOHN FARRELL: Everything points to once these showers clear out of here, that we should be dry the rest of the day. Unlike a game last week when we made a list minute move to get him out of the lineup, that forecast was much more dire in terms of how wet it was going to be throughout the course of the day. So if it gets to the point where we feel like it's too inconsistent of footing, that will be an in-game thing. But right now it's a go.

Q. With Pedroia, he's drawn a couple of walks, worked some kind of gritty at-bats, but beyond that, what are you seeing from him offensively, both in these couple of games and also in the last week or so of the regular season?
JOHN FARRELL: I think there's been some pitches that he's gotten that he might have just missed within the strike zone. I can't say that the knee is not at some point or at some level having an effect on him. But you know that you're going to get an at-bat that's controlled. He's going to probably get himself in a good hitter's count, but yet the hits haven't fallen when he has squared up pitches. Prior to the last road trip, he's on base two, three times a night. He's a vital part of this team, vital part of the offense. But the way he's felt physically relative to the second half of the season or the last eight, ten weeks, I think he's in a pretty good place right now.

Q. In the last two days there have been out all kinds of speculation about your job. Do you feel your job's on the line?
JOHN FARRELL: No, you know what, my focus has always been on what our guys need and how we go about today's game. You're one of the guys that reminds me how often it comes up, but it's not -- it hasn't changed my approach with our guys at all.

Q. You mentioned Price and maybe being available today, Sale too, possible. Is that still kind of on the table?
JOHN FARRELL: At this point everybody's on the table. It would certainly be the preference to stay away from Chris and Rick. That would be ideal. That means everyone leading up to or starting this game and bridging back to Craig Kimbrel, we have kept things in check. So while everyone is available, there's guys that you would certainly like to stay away from.

Q. You have Xander hitting at lead off for the second straight game. Does a hitter like that who is used to maybe hitting two, three, four, have to change his approach much moving up in the batting order?
JOHN FARRELL: No, this is the third consecutive game he's hit lead off in the series, and he's been hitting lead off the last probably three weeks and has had quite a number of games hitting in the lead off spot. Actually since he's moved to lead-off spot, he's got an on-base over .400. So he's done a very good job. Except the last two games, you know what, they pitched him pretty tough.

Q. With a do-or-die situation or season on the line, you always plan ahead in baseball so much, but you may have hopefully three of those situations coming up. How does that change how you manage going into this game and the next couple games?
JOHN FARRELL: I think if you saw Game 2 in Houston, it was very much a similar approach on how we went to the bullpen early, went to the bullpen often. That would apply again today. Reassess where we are tomorrow to take on tomorrow. You're operating in plan B and C a lot of times. We're well aware of what's at stake today, but we'll figure this one out.

THE MODERATOR: All right, thanks for coming in.