Nick Wittgren’s infant son hit a ball into his face

Growing up, one of the family rules I frequently came in violation of was the prohibition of balls in the house. It was frustrating not being able to dribble a basketball while waiting for everyone to get ready to head over to the gym or to mindlessly toss a baseball while watching TV.

But looking back, the rule makes a lot of sense. There were a lot of fragile objects around in close quarters and I wasn't particularly good at baseball or basketball. Without being constantly reminded of that rule, it's likely that I would have broken many a vase or candle.

Even worse: I could have injured a family member. As Indians reliever Nick Wittgren learned the hard way on Monday, letting a youngster play sports in the house is a risky business.

Apparently little Jackson also got his mom earlier in the day. Speaking from experience, I would say the Wittgrens would benefit from a "no balls in the house" rule, even if it frustrates Jackson for the next decade of his life.

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