Q&A with Lodolo: Timeline for return, Reds' season, more

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This story was excerpted from Mark Sheldon’s Reds Beat newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here. And subscribe to get it regularly in your inbox.

CINCINNATI -- As the Reds have surged into first place and become one of the best storylines in the Major Leagues this season, left-handed starter Nick Lodolo has been limited to being a spectator.

Lodolo originally went on the injured list May 14 with left calf tendinosis. An MRI later revealed a stress reaction in his left tibia. He's been wearing a boot and moving around on a scooter ever since.

There is another MRI scheduled for Wednesday.

"I'm hoping by Wednesday I am out of the boot," Lodolo said. "The last MRI was better than the first two. I think we're kind of optimistic that the scan will look better."

One of the oddities of Cincinnati's season is the club is playing so well despite the rotation being ranked 28th in ERA. Lodolo, who is 2-1 with a 6.29 ERA in seven starts, is eager to get back and help but isn't due to return until sometime in August.

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Lodolo and I recently chatted at his locker about his situation.

MLB.com: How challenging has it been to sit out much longer than originally expected?

Lodolo: It's unfortunate. I miss being out there, and I feel like I can definitely contribute to the squad. That's what I will do when I get back. It sucks, especially when you see guys going out there and the team is on a roll. You want to be a part of it. At least when we're at home, I do feel a part of it because I'm here. Other than that, I just want to be in the middle of it.

MLB.com: And it's been happening without Graham Ashcraft and Hunter Greene also?

Lodolo: It's not the way you drew it up. At the beginning of the year, I would have said, 'No chance that all three of us [are out] at the same time.' It's just a credit to the team. That proves that we are a team and anybody can step up and do it. There's not just one way we can win or with one guy. On the offensive side, every night it's somebody different contributing in a big way. On the mound, the bullpen has been fantastic.

MLB.com: What's it been like throwing baseballs from your knees?

Lodolo: Not fun. I'm just trying to keep my arm in as much shape as possible so when I do start building up, it's going to take my arm much [less time to get ready].

MLB.com: Recently, general manager Nick Krall acknowledged he is looking to acquire more starting pitching help. How do you feel about that?

Lodolo: Any way we can get better is fine with me. Like I said, I will hopefully be back at that time too. I feel like I can contribute really well for the team.

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