Behind the back! Accidental bunt pays off

Ever seen a behind-the-back bunt single?

That's what happened in the bottom of the first inning of Tulane's NCAA Division I game against Memphis on Friday. With runners at first and second and one out, Tulane catcher Luis Aviles tried to duck out of the way of a pitch that was heading for his head. But he didn't drop the bat, and you can probably guess what happened -- the ball hit the bat and dropped down the third-base line for a perfect bunt.

Not only did Aviles drop down a bunt he never attempted, but he had the presence of mind to sprint toward first base despite the shock of seeing the baseball in play. And of all counts, it was 0-2.

Tulane would score twice in that inning, as the following batter walked to force in a run and the next batter hit a sacrifice fly.

It just goes to show you, it's always important to be ready to run toward first base, even if it's on a pitch you had to duck out of the way from on an 0-2 count. And as the old adage goes, "It's a line drive in the box score."

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