MLB The Show Creator's Cup provides first-of-its-kind All-Star tournament

Before the big league stars take the field on Tuesday night to show off their skills, it's time for a very different group of stars to show off their own unbelievable abilities. On Monday at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, the MLB The Show Creator's Cup will take place on the Draft stage at Xbox Plaza in the heart of downtown Los Angeles.

This event is not only the very first live MLB The Show esports event, but it's also a very fun twist on an esports matchup. Instead of being a straight head-to-head matchup, the Creator's Cup is a co-operative pro-am style tournament. Eight of the very best MLB The Show players will be joined by eight of the most popular baseball influencers online. The group will then pair off into duos in the Show's new Co-Op game mode that allows participants to play together on same team.

That's right: Just like your favorite action movie, these players not only have to win the whole thing, but they have to do it while learning to play as a team.

Here is the list of participants:

The event is free to attend to fans in Los Angeles (and there just may be some giveaways and prizes), but have no fear if you're not able to make it. You can tune in and watch the whole thing on MLB Twitch Live and MLB YouTube, as well as the MLB The Show Twitch and YouTube channels. The whole thing starts off at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. ET.

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