Where things stand on the International Draft negotiations 

When Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association agreed to a new Collective Bargaining Agreement in March, the issue of a potential International Draft was tabled to give the union time to make a decision on the league’s proposal. It was agreed that either an International Draft would be adopted, with the current qualifying offer system for free agency abolished, or the International Draft idea would be dropped and the qualifying offer system from the last CBA would remain in place.

The deadline for the union to make a decision arrives on Monday. The July 25 date was chosen because clubs need to know the fate of the qualifying offer system prior to the upcoming Aug. 2 Trade Deadline.

Though each side has submitted a proposal regarding the International Draft, the MLBPA’s choice is not between proposals. It is between MLB’s most recent International Draft proposal, which contained movement on issues such as drug testing, medical information and education, and the status quo with the qualifying offer.

So these are the two options faced by the union, with Monday’s deadline approaching:

A. Accept the International Draft proposal

MLB made its first proposal on the International Draft on July 28, 2021. The MLBPA countered on July 8 of this year. The league’s last proposal was then submitted a week later. A summary of that proposal is as follows:

B. Forgo the International Draft, and retain the qualifying offer system