Bueller? Chicago fan skips school for Trout selfie

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When one of the marquee names in baseball comes to town, you'd better believe people will drop what they’re doing to get to the ballpark.

That’s exactly what a young fan did in Chicago, as Mike Trout and the Angels finished out their four-game series with the White Sox. With the finale being a mid-afternoon game on Monday, the fan pulled off a nearly flawless Ferris Bueller impression and was caught on camera playing hooky from school to watch the Angels outfielder.

The fan didn’t try to hide it, though, coming prepared with a sign that read, “We skipped school for a selfie with Mike Trout.” Trout made sure they'd have something to show their friends in school the following day by stopping for a quick picture.

Hopefully Trout provided a note for the fan to give to his teacher as well.

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