Boyd on nonprofit: 'All healthy, doing well'

DETROIT -- Tigers pitcher Matthew Boyd and his wife, Ashley, already have plenty to worry about at home with their two children as they try to stay safe in Michigan during the coronavirus pandemic. But they also have dozens more kids they’re concerned about, half a world away.

Two years after the Boyds started Kingdom Home in Uganda to fight sex trafficking, the effort has grown from rescuing 36 girls to more than 150 kids, who live in four homes. The nonprofit takes them out of dangerous circumstances and provides food, lodging and education. Now they face a new risk with the worldwide spread of coronavirus.

The first case in Uganda was reported last week. Like in many countries, the numbers are growing, and everything from schools to travel to food markets are reportedly restricted or shut down as part of the government response.

Mercifully, the Boyds report, the virus has not hit the homes.

“We have been in constant communication with our house parents regarding the safety and well-being of the children, and we are happy to report that they are all healthy and doing well, despite the circumstances,” the Boyds posted Monday on the Kingdom Home Instagram account.

“Now more than ever is the time to look out for each other. While we practice social distancing, we still have the ability to come together in a unique way -- united as we share this common experience, and together trust that the Lord will carry us through this time and make us stronger because of it.

“Please join us in praying for continued protection and peace over the entire Kingdom Home family in Uganda.”

While the health and well-being of the children and house parents are good for now, the pandemic and the reaction are causing additional expenses. The land they bought last year includes a well for drinking water and enough space for a hydroponic farm, but they still rely on markets for their food. The restrictions and closures of some markets have left them searching for alternatives to bring necessities to the homes.

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