Wood you believe it? Kid gets bat, goes nuts

We all know the joy of opening presents during the holidays, and it’s always even better when the present is exactly what you wanted.

And when that desire involves baseball, too? Talk about perfection.

That’s what this young fan experienced on Christmas morning this year. Houston resident Ricky Cumby’s son, Logan, told his parents he wanted a wooden bat this year, and he couldn’t contain his excitement unwrapping the unmistakably shaped present.

“I already know what it is! It’s a wooden bat!” he exclaims as he rips the wrapping paper.

His reaction caught the attention of a couple of Major Leaguers as well, as Edwin Jackson -- "This was dope to watch!!" -- and Shane Victorino -- "LOVE IT" to go along with the hang loose emoji -- commented on MLB's Instagram post.

Perhaps we should be looking for Logan in the MLB Draft sometime down the line.