Watch: Donaldson wows mom with ultimate surprise

Though Josh Donaldson remains a free agent, the third baseman completed a deal this week -- with his mother, Lisa French.

Donaldson had previously agreed to buy his mom a Maserati if she quit smoking. After two years of French not smoking, Donaldson held up his end of the bargain this week. He posted her reaction to receiving the gift on Instagram, with the following caption:

"So my mom made a deal with me if she quit smoking that I would buy her a Maserati. 2 years of not smoking and here is her early Christmas present from Briana and I. Trust me you are going to want to watch this."

Donaldson has spoken openly about his close relationship with his mom, who raised him as a single mother. That was on full display on April 24, 2016, when Donaldson invited her to throw out the ceremonial first pitch -- with Donaldson on the receiving end -- as part of a pregame ceremony to honor Donaldson with his American League Silver Slugger Award, Players Choice Award and AL Outstanding Player Award.

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