Price, Sox pleased with first BP session

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FORT MYERS, Fla. -- As expected, Red Sox lefty David Price looked much farther along than Boston's hitters on the first day of batting practice at the team's practice facility Sunday.
Outfielder Chris Young, the first player to step into the box against Price, did manage to get at least one good swing.
"He looks good," Young said. "First day we are all just trying to get our work in right now. It was nice seeing him back on the mound and get back in the box with a helmet on again, put on shin guards and feel like a baseball player again."

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In his third round, Young managed to get around on a high-and-outside fastball that he drove about midway up the batter's eye beyond the center-field fence.
"It's not even about that," Young said of the shot. "Those times are more for the pitchers to get their work in. They're not necessarily trying to strike you out, they just worry about hitting their locations."
Price did give Young credit for getting the barrel on what he though was a tough pitch.
"He's a good hitter that hits lefties extremely well," Price said. "It was a good fastball away and a good fastball away to C.Y. is like a fastball down the middle for most right-handed hitters because he is all on top of the plate."
Price threw 30 pitches -- 25 of which were fastballs -- and the rest were changeups against Young and Pablo Sandoval.

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"I had the ball in the middle of the plate and I kept it down," Price said. "[I'm looking] to throw strikes and most importantly command the fastball. I feel like a did a good job of that today. I felt good out there. I feel good now and I expect to feel good [Monday]."
In 2016, the first of a seven-year, $217 million deal, Price finished with a 17-9 record while striking out 228 in 230 innings. His 3.99 ERA, however, was his highest mark since his rookie year (4.42) in 2009.
"For his first time facing live hitters, there was quality location to pitches thrown," Red Sox manager John Farrell said. "He was able to get inside on a couple of guys who swing the bat well against left-handed pitchers, particularly in Chris Young, but it was a good work day and built right in line with the progression to the start of games next week."

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