Snooze and lose: Clemson pulls off perfect hidden ball trick

The old hidden ball trick might sound like a Little League staple, but Clemson proved Sunday it works just fine in the college ranks, too.

In the second inning of their NCAA regional final against Coastal Carolina, the Tigers pulled off the classic trickery for a big out at third base. When Coastal’s Ty Barrango laid down a sacrifice bunt after three straight hits and a run home, moving runners to second and third with one out, it was the perfect time to execute the play.

Clemson third baseman Blake Wright waved at first baseman Jack Crighton to toss him the baseball after the sac bunt. But Wright only pretended to hand the ball back to pitcher Ethan Darden -- instead, Wright kept it for himself.

If anyone noticed, it certainly wasn’t Coastal center fielder Dean Mihos, the runner at third base. Wright had to wait several seconds for Mihos to take his lead off the bag, but once he did, Wright sprinted over -- ball in glove -- and tagged him out.

Mihos walked back to the dugout stunned, the latest victim of the sneaky but tried-and-true play. One batter later, the inning was over with no further damage.

Score another one for the hidden ball trick.

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