Packed trucks a sign spring is in the Cards

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ST. LOUIS -- While a dusting of snow covered areas outside of Busch Stadium, the hustle and bustle going on inside the Cardinals' clubhouse was proof of a changing season. 
Boxes were stacked and bags piled up, ready to head to Jupiter, Fla., where one week from Wednesday the Cardinals will hold their first official workout of Spring Training. First, though, they need to stock that spring clubhouse.
Preparations to do so began weeks ago, when the Cardinals' clubhouse staff started boxing up all the necessities. The stash grew in recent weeks as staff and players dropped off personal luggage and other items. A moving company then arrived on the scene Wednesday to begin loading everything onto a pair of 53-foot trailers. That work was expected to take most of the day.
Those trucks, each of which will be carrying approximately 18,000 pounds, will pull out from Busch Stadium on Thursday evening. Two days later, they'll arrive at the Cardinals' Florida complex, ready to be unloaded.
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Packed in the back of those trucks will be a myriad of items. There were boogie boards and bikes, several sets of golf clubs, scooters and sunflower seeds. Pallets of drinks and bubble gum will make the trek, as will baby strollers and other personal goods for the families who will relocate for the next seven weeks.
And while the Cardinals may not be transporting the kitchen sink to Florida, it will be moving a kitchen. Yes, a mobile kitchen was among the many items wheeled onto the trailer Wednesday morning. 

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