Phillips keeps Crew loose with crazy cackle

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It's the dawn of a new season, so naturally the baseball world is all smiles and laughter. And if there's one thing we've learned from the first week of Brewers camp, it's that not all smiles and laughs are created equal.
There's Brett Phillips' laugh -- and then there's everybody else's.
The Brewers prospect is the owner of the Majors' most absurd cackle -- one in which his mouth freezes, agape, as he struggles to inhale, all while his right eye shuts. Over the past week, that laugh has gone viral, and the Brewers put it on full display on Twitter with a segment called #MomJokeMonday.
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In the video clip, reliever Will Smith reads Phillips a few of his mother's corniest jokes -- which, of course, invoke the usual wide-mouthed guffaws from Phillips.
The video's highlight is inarguably Smith's final joke, which references his namesake, the actor and songwriter Will Smith. The reliever asks Phillips, "How do you find Will Smith in the snow?"
The punch line, "You look for his 'Fresh Prince,'" doesn't quite register with Phillips at first. But when it does, we're treated to 15 glorious seconds of Phillips' face frozen in hysterics, as he emits a trio of uninhibited squeals.
Phillips' laugh went mainstream at photo day last week, when his teammates forced him into a fit of laughter while on camera. He responded on Twitter, saying, "I wish it didn't have to be this way, but the Internet was gonna find out about it sooner or later!"

Phillips, who was acquired last July in the trade that sent Carlos Gomez to the Astros, is expected to begin the regular season in the Minors. He is rated one of the club's top prospects, meaning he could soon be a Major Leaguer himself, to go along with his Major League laugh.

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