Bass apologizes for anti-LGBTQ2S posts

TORONTO -- Anthony Bass met with the media on Tuesday in Toronto to issue a statement, apologizing for sharing an anti-LGBTQ2S+ post on Instagram.

“I recognize that yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine and I am truly sorry for that,” Bass said. “I just spoke to my teammates and shared with them my actions yesterday. I apologized to them.

“As of right now, I am using the Blue Jays’ resources to better educate myself and make better decisions moving forward. The ballpark is for everybody. We include all fans at the ballpark and we want to welcome everybody. That’s all I have to say.”

Bass did not take any questions following his statement.

The post, which called for the boycotting of brands such as Target and Bud Light due to their support of the LGBTQ2S+ community, referred to that support as “evil” and “demonic” while calling on people to “take no part” in the targeted businesses. Bass shared this to his Instagram stories on Monday, an off-day for the Blue Jays.

Since Bass shared the post, the Blue Jays issued the following statement.

“The Blue Jays bring millions of fans together across Canada and are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming experience for all. The Blue Jays are proud to celebrate LGBTQ2S+ Pride Month, including a special fourth annual Pride Weekend at the ballpark June 9 and 10, and demonstrations of allyship all month long around the ballpark. Individual player sentiments are not representative of the club’s beliefs.”

Toronto manager John Schneider said Bass had come in early on Tuesday and apologized to both Schneider and general manager Ross Atkins. After that conversation, it was Schneider who suggested that Bass speak to his teammates, too.

Schneider believes that Bass’ apology is a start, but that more needs to be done.

“It’s not a 12- or 15-second fix in terms of a statement,” Schneider said. “It’s having genuine conversations with your team and with your staff you’re with every day. Then from there, continuing to try to make amends for it.

“We’re not going to pretend like this never happened. We’re not going to pretend like it’s the end and move on. There are definitely more steps that are going to follow.”

On June 9 and 10, the Blue Jays will celebrate their annual Pride Weekend with a rainbow flag jersey giveaway. Schneider said he expects Bass, and all of his players, to participate.

“The message to the fan base is that we have and will continue to be a huge part of the Pride community,” Schneider said. “We’re looking forward to the 9th and 10th of June. [Bass] does not represent our overall feelings as an organization.”

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