Yolmer Sanchez added a new flair to his walk-off celebration by dousing himself as he ran

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When the White Sox won a game against the Twins on a walk-off homer by Trayce Thompsonearlier in 2018, Yolmer Sánchez introduced a new form of celebration to the world: the self-shower.

It was an ingenious move -- why should the hero have all the fun anyway?
Sanchez had another opportunity to drench himself when Matt Davidson crushed a game-winning blast on Monday off the Tigers' Shane Greene to give the White Sox a 2-1 victory. Sanchez grabbed a cooler and rushed toward home plate to join his teammates at roughly the same time as Davidson.
Since Sanchez was a bit late, he had to improvise ... and in the process, he created another new celebration.

Sure, Nikola Tesla might have been a brilliant inventor, but he never went head-to-head with Yolmer Sanchez.

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