Yolmer Sanchez came prepared with his own makeshift replay review satchel and paper cup phone system

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Sanchez has fun in dugout

Earlier this month, Yolmer Sanchez (or "El del Pinonal" as he's going by for Players' Weekend) proved to the world that he's more than just a second baseman playing for the White Sox. He's ready and willing to jump into the mix with the umpires for a replay review:

Yolmer Sánchez joins replay official crew.

And while the scene above demonstrated Sanchez's interest in lending a hand, he didn't have any actual replay review equipment with which to assist the umpires. 
During Chicago's game with the Tigers on Saturday, he strutted around the dugout showing off his fancy replay review utility belt: A bag with the word "Replay" written across it and a trusty paper-cup telephone: 

See? He does have the proper equipment after all. 

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