Yasiel Puig and his bright red hair are U.S. citizens now

It's been a busy year for Yasiel Puig. Over the offseason, he was traded to the Reds after spending the first six years of his career in Los Angeles. Just over seven months later, he was on the move again -- this time to Cleveland. All the while, he's been living his best life, which means finding himself at the center of just about everything on and off the field.

Somehow, in the midst of all that, he's also found time to study for and pass the test to become a U.S. citizen. On Wednesday, he became a citizen and even got a tiny flag for his efforts.

Puig isn't the first Indians player to become a U.S. citizen this season. In April, Carlos Santana and then-teammate Hanley Ramirez passed their citizenship tests. Oliver Perez and his wife became citizens earlier this month.

The next Indians player to seek citizenship should certainly be in luck. There are probably plenty of left over flash cards and study guides scattered around the clubhouse.

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