A Yankees fan in Texas made a ridiculous catch over the stair railings to snag Neil Walker's home run

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Neil Walker launched a home run to center field in the top of the third inning during Wednesday's 12-10 Rangers win over the Yankees to give New York an early 4-0 lead. It was a powerful homer, yes, but this isn't necessarily about the strength he displayed. This is about the defensive capabilities of the fan who came up with the homer.
The 1-1 pitch was launched off Doug Fister -- that's when a Yankees fan tracked it perfectly to make a spectacular catch in a dramatic fashion:

As you can see, he made the stretched-out grab before falling over the stair railings. There was a Rangers fan who was there to help him out and it appeared the rival fan was also there to give him props.
The fan, Christopher Ciccione, spoke to MLB.com's LCC, Creagh Cross, about the catch.

"Throughout batting practice, my brother [Jonathan] and I were in a competition to catch more homers," he said. "We decided the first ball coming our way in the game would be my ball. Right off the bat, my dad knew it was gone and told us to jump the rail. I followed it into my glove and was aware of the rail and just made the catch -- it was a family effort."
That was a heck of a catch.