Yankees announcer John Sterling announced this year's 'Kitten Bowl'

Perhaps the greatest thing about the Super Bowl isn't the game itself, nor the commercials, nor even the excuse to get together with your friends and revel in gluttony and excess. 
No, it may just be the counterprogramming. After years of having only the Puppy Bowl to watch for football-themed-animal-cuteness, the Hallmark Channel added the Kitten Bowl three years ago. Naturally, it would be announced by Yankees broadcaster John Sterling. 
Leading up to the big day, Sterling was on hand to call the action. The real standouts: Bo Catson and Wes Whisker. 

It made sense for Sterling to do the call. After all, he was on hand to call this summer's "Paw Star Game." Yes, that means there was a "Clayton Kerclaw," and "Cat Griffey Jr." 

Sadly, there was no Miguel Catbrera, Josh Paw-naldson or David Purr-ice. More cat puns, please. 

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