With news of his engagement, let's watch Prince Harry crush some baseballs

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The world stopped and collectively awww'd when news broke that Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle were engaged on Monday. The pair is set to wed in the spring of 2018 -- a ceremony that should surely surpass even the grandest in recent MLB history. 
In honor of the Prince of Wales tying the knot, we wanted to go back to that time he came to New York City and crushed some baseballs off former MLBer Mark Teixeira. Sure, it was on Harlem RBI's kid-size "Field of Dreams," but the crowd loved it.

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Teixeira told MLB.com's Bryan Hoch he was impressed with the first-time performance.
"I just said, 'Keep your eye on the ball,'" Teixeira said. "He knew what he was doing. He played some cricket growing up, and he has seen American baseball. He's a natural."
Most of the kids thought he should be in a castle doing something important, but no, not Harry. Harry was hungry for some dingers. 

MLB Tonight even broke down the Prince's swing -- comparing him to, um, among others, Yoenis Céspedes?

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Congrats again, Prince Harry. Can we come to your wedding? 

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