Which manager had the best Winter Meetings outfit?

While it wasn't the hottest Winter Meetings ever, we still saw a few signings, that super complex Mariners/Rays/Indians trade and a Fortnite tournament. But the highlight of the week for me was the Winter Meetings' greatest tradition: the MLB manager group photos.
Here's the American League:

And the National League:

We're all so used to seeing these fellows in bulky athletic jackets, short-sleeve uniforms and baseball pants that this yearly photo opportunity always reveals a lot about who big league managers are -- and how they choose to dress themselves. So, inspired by Craig Calcaterra's annual "Most Handsome Manager" rankings, we're going to go through and rank our top 10 favorite outfits. 
10. Ned Yost (KC) -- The Entry Level Finance Guy

Someone get Yost on the Midtown Uniform Instagram ASAP
9. Dave Martinez (WAS) -- Casual Friday

It takes guts and real confidence to rock a zip-up jacket and jeans at a gathering where you know almost everyone else is going to roll through in more formal attire. A step in the right direction for the second-year manager. Nats NL East champs, book it now.
8./7. Andy Green (SD) and Kevin Cash (TB) -- The Gamblers

These two snazzily-dressed skippers look like they made the trip to Vegas primarily to hit the blackjack table and just happened to stumble upon a team meeting or two. I think they should open up a gambling strategy firm called Green Cash. You're welcome.
6. Rocco Baldelli (MIN) -- The Tweed Lord

In Baldelli, the Twins went out and got themselves a new-school, cerebral baseball man to lead them into a new era. It's fitting, then, that Baldelli went for the "young college history professor that helps you structure your thesis during his office hours" drip. 
5. Joe Maddon (CHC) -- That Cool Dad

From the bold checkerboard suit pattern, to the palm tree socks, to the now iconic glasses, to the square tie, Maddon continues to dress himself like a dad whose kids recently informed him what a "hipster" means. His comments this week about how he wants to "study social media" only strengthen that vibe.
4. Rick Renteria (CWS) -- The Vacationer

The White Sox manager cares not for your fancy jackets and your trim slacks. He's a relaxed man ready to crush some hors d'oeuvres, then have a mojito or two before he takes on anyone and everyone over on the Club Med shuffleboard floor.
3. Clint Hurdle (PIT) -- The Tycoon

Hurdle got his first big league manager job back in 2002, but it looks like this suit has been around since before the Great Depression. He looks like a sharply-dressed 1920's business magnate who was associates with Jay Gatsby at one point or another.
2. Gabe Kapler (PHI) -- The Gym Rat

Leave it to Kapler, the most ripped and workout-conscious manager in baseball history, to rock an outfit that looks like he came straight from upper body day at the local Planet Fitness and tossed a snazzy corduroy jacket over his lifting sweatshirt. We've seen Kapler display some pretty ambitious drip options before, and this hoodie/blazer combo is a nice suave choice for a community that usually opts for safer and more traditional ensembles.
1. The Leatherman
Bruce Bochy (SFG)

I've seen managers wear leather jackets and I've seen them wear sport coats, but never in my life have I seen a leather sport coat like this -- let alone draped upon the shoulders of a future Hall of Famer. Bochy has been to a ton of Winter Meetings and knows what it takes to steal the show, but his sleek, all-black everything outfit takes things to another level. With a get-up like this, I expect Bochy to hop on his Harley Davidson and ride his way through Death Valley on the way back to San Francisco. Bravo Boch', you've outdone yourself this time, not to mention every other manger.

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