Watch Eric Thames crack everyone up by pretending to charge the mound while in Korea

When he's not crushing dingers and demoralizing Reds pitchers, Eric Thames is perhaps the most interesting Major Leaguer. He meditates, reads and has even said that his love of beer helped him choose to play in Milwaukee this offseason. 
He also has a good enough sense of humor that he's willing to fool around even after being hit by a pitch. Yes, somehow, after being nailed with some horsehide, Thames can be in a joking mood. 
During the 2016 KBO All-Star Game, he was hit by SK Wyverns pitcher Park Hee-Soo. Thames paused, tossed his bat and then sprinted for the mound. A few steps later, while Park quickly backpedaled, Thames flashed a grin and trotted down to first base. 

Eric Thames: There's nothing he can't do. 
(h/t @SINow)

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