Watch this Orioles fan expertly mimic opposing relievers as they stretch in the bullpen

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Doing something for 12 years straight is difficult. Being in a relationship, brushing your teeth, cleaning the kitty litter can all get frustrating after awhile. You just can't keep doing it every single day, right? RIGHT?
Well, one faithful O's fan named Donna is better than most of us. For the past 12 baseball seasons, during every home game, she's been mimicking opposing relievers as they stretch in the bullpen. Check out the expert trolling of Tony Watson from Wednesday's Pirates-Orioles game.

As we've noted in the past, she stands directly above the 'pen -- just daring them to try a stretch they don't think she can do. Also, we're not sure if this is just a coincidence, but Watson ended up allowing a two-run, game-tying pinch-hit homer to Trey Mancini in the ninth. The O's eventually won the game in extras, 9-6, on another Mancini three-run blast.

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