This baseball-themed baby gender reveal didn't quite go as planned

We've seen many gender reveals that had the baseball touch. Corey Knebel and his wife revealed the gender of their baby girl during family day earlier this season, and Avisaíl García found out the gender of his son via the jumbotron at Guaranteed Rate Field.
One story was a bit different. It had all the elements for a baseball-themed gender reveal, but it didn't quite go as planned.
Kyle Tait, a sports broadcaster in Atlanta, had planned to hit a ball that was pitched by his wife Megan. When the bat made contact with the ball, it would explode in a colored powder so they could find out if they were having a boy or girl. Tait wasn't comfortable with the pitch and figured he would have her throw another one, but the material the ball was made out of forced the ball to break on the concrete in front of the couple's closest friends and family.

After a few laughs and awkward silences, everyone shouted "It's a girl!"
"Obviously I wanted to hit it," Tait tells "We've been planning it for weeks."
The video Tait posted went viral, and the feedback he has received has been split down the middle.
"Some say my wife threw a terrible pitch, some thought it was hittable," he explained. "A lot of people were saying 'You had to swing at anything.'"
Tait said overall the publicity has been great and thinks the entire scenario is funny.

The couple's baby girl, Parker Nicole Tait, is due in December and already has a unique story for her parents to tell her.