This Baby Shark organ remix is your World Series hype song

This postseason, Baby Shark has become something of an unlikely anthem for the Nationals. Nothing gets Nationals Park as fired up as when the chart-topping children's song comes blaring over the sound system. The crowd all stands to sing and chomp along. Yes, it's a song for little kids, but it's also a straight-up jam.

Regardless of how effective it is in practice, the fact remains that Baby Shark is an unlikely hype song. Similarly, a church organ is an unlikely instrument for pump-up music. Church organs are often associated with droning, funereal vibes to go along with the solemnity of a religious service.

But, the power of Baby Shark is immense. Watch as Nationals-cap-wearing organists harness its power to transform a typical church organ into an instrument of pure happiness and excitement.

It's not like Nationals fans really needed anything to get them more excited for their team's World Series matchup against the Astros. It's the first time the franchise has been to the World Series, and they have the sugary goodness of Baby Shark doughnuts to munch on to fuel their fire.

There's no doubt that these pipes are capable of carrying their sound all the way to Houston to get the team ready for Tuesday's World Series Game 1. The Astros are likely shaking in their cleats. With the might of the organs of the National Cathedral behind them, the Nationals seem unstoppable.

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