Even Matt Duffy's cat is headed to Spring Training in the Best Shape of His Life

Beyond the Fanfests, beyond the workout videos, beyond even Truck Day, there is one tradition that signals Spring Training is near, like the puddle shaking as a T-Rex comes around the corner: The Best Shape of His Life story. You know the one -- dedicated, in the true spirit of spring, to celebrating the best in everyone and theihr physiques.
But why limit this optimism to just players? Why not cars? Why not beards? Or, even better, why not Matt Duffy's cat, Skeeter? As you may have heard, he's a bit on the hefty side, but it appears as if he spent the offseason in the weight room. As Duffy told KNBR on Thursday, Skeeter's lost seven pounds since last year, and is showing no signs of slowing down:

 Let's not get carried away, though: He's still not allowed to be left alone in the kitchen.

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