Let's watch a kid casually hit a moving car with a baseball while practicing hitting with his dad

If you want to be a big league slugger, you have to practice hitting. And if you're like Jack Tannehill of Oxford, Miss., you also (inadvertently) practice windshield-smashing home runs.
Just check out this clip that Jack's mom, Robyn, posted on Monday:

Well, it turns out that no windshields were harmed in the making of this Instagram video. The ball only dented the hood:

According to Jack's dad, Rhea, the driver actually slowed down to watch Jack hit. Rhea said that the driver thought it was a good swing, but that there was no way it was going to hit his car. (That's what we refer to as "famous last words.") 
Jack and his dad are Cubs fans, so all we're saying is … watch your back, Kyle Schwarber.  You're not the only one smashing up cars in BP.

Jack, who is a pitcher and outfielder with his local Oxford Rebels, could be giving Kyle a run for his money in just a few years.
The Tannehills took care of the rental car for the driver whose hood was dented, and Rhea said it was all worth it. "It's truly one of my favorite things in the whole wide world," he said, talking about practicing with his son. "Every dad knows how special that is."
Of course, if things had gone a little differently, maybe we wouldn't have seen this video at all. "Jack doesn't want me to tell you this," his dad said, "but he was trying to hit line drives. It wasn't supposed to go out at all." 
Photos courtesy of Robyn Tannehill.