Brett Lawrie couldn't decide if he liked inside-the-park or over-the-fence HRs more, so he hit both

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You know that feeling when you're at the ice cream store and you can't decide if you want your standard vanilla or that trendy unpronounceable fruit flavor, so you just get both? Picture that and you'll know what Brett Lawrie's Saturday was like … except instead of ice cream, think home runs.
In the second inning of the White Sox-Blue Jays matchup, Lawrie smacked a ball just out of Kevin Pillar's reach. It landed on the top of the fence and bounced back into play, while Lawrie sprinted around the bases for his first career inside-the-park home run. 

Perhaps inspired by their teammate (and likely helped a bit by the 90-degree weather), Dioner Navarro and J.B. Shuck immediately hit home runs of their own. But they kept them a little more traditional:

But, like we said above, why pick just one great flavor when you can have two? If Lawrie's first homer was salted caramel acai or whatever, his second was definitely a little closer to vanilla. But, you know, that kind of straight-from-the-bean kind that you can only get at really fancy places. In the bottom of the fourth, Lawrie jumped on an R.A. Dickey knuckleball and sent it very clearly over the fence:

Hey Brett, did you enjoy your first-ever multi-homer game? 

So did we, dude. (Nearly as much as we enjoyed this other Lawrie production.

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