A fully uniformed Ben Zobrist biked to the park with his family to watch some sandlot baseball

Ben Zobrist is just a big kid at heart.
On Saturday, the Cubs' veteran, his son, Zion, plus Zobrist's brother and his son rode their bikes over to Hamlin Park to watch some youth baseball games.
Nobody knew Zobrist would show up -- he just decided to go for a ride with his crew and stop by the baseball diamonds. Zobrist had declared Saturday his own personal "Sandlot Appreciation Day."

"I thought, this was a great opportunity to wear my uniform, ride my bike, be a big kid, and show up for these kids, connect with them, sign some autographs, pictures, and just appreciate what it's like to play the game that way," Zobrist said. "[I wanted to] stand in the dugout for a few minutes and see them play the game.
"It's inspiring," he said. "It reminds you of the way you should always be grateful for the opportunity to play on a field of green grass and throw a ball around."
The kids greeted him enthusiastically, and he watched from the dugout, dressed in his Cubs uniform. Zobrist even brought his glove, in case they needed someone to sub during the game.
Then, Zobrist and crew rode back to Wrigley Field down Addison Street, and were greeted by cheering fans.
"I had some people driving by with cameras, screaming at me, 'Go Cubs,'" Zobrist said. "It was a festive atmosphere. It was fun."

They were happy to follow him wherever he went: 

Carrie Muskat has covered the Cubs since 1987, and for MLB.com since 2001. She writes a blog, Muskat Ramblings, and you can follow her on Twitter @CarrieMuskat.

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