Michigan's surprising two-run squeeze play led them to victory over Michigan State

The suicide squeeze is one of baseball's most thrilling plays. There's so much on the line -- the batter has to make contact in fair territory, or the runner charging from third base is almost certain to be a dead duck at home plate. Given the circumstances, it's hard to pull off, but so much can go right when it's done correctly.
Just ask the Michigan Wolverines, who called upon the gambit while tied, 1-1, in the top of the ninth inning on Saturday afternoon against rival Michigan State. Miles Lewis was the batter, and he got the bunt down against pitcher Mitchell Tyranski. The results were even better than expected:

Thanks to the quick thinking of the runner on second, Blake Nelson, the Wolverines caught the Spartans napping and scored twice on the squeeze. They held onto the two-run lead and won, 3-1.